Your Voice
Your Voice – Geldards LLP

The latest Your Voice feature, giving LBV members a platform for their views on the current business landscape in Leicester.
Jane Cowley is a Family Law Partner at Geldards LLP who advises clients on all aspects of relationship and family matters including complex financial issues involving owner-managed businesses, company restructuring, offshore assets and issues of liquidity and taxation.
Jane is a former chair of Leicestershire Business Voice and remains an active board member.
How would you describe what LBV does?
We hope to provide a voice for businesses in our region to influence those who make decisions on behalf of Leicester and Leicestershire, to ensure that it is a better place to do business.
How can LBV help Leicester and Leicestershire businesses?
We have key relationships with decision-makers so we know what is going on and can influence decisions to improve business opportunities and economic prosperity in our region.
Which are the main issues that businesses in Leicester and Leicestershire face?
Our region has suffered from historical underfunding and still does. We lack a regional identity and often fall short of the visibility and political noise shown by our colleagues in the West Midlands. We are too often, under-the-radar.
What would you identify as the key strengths of Leicester and Leicestershire?
We are resilient, we have talent, we have three world-class universities on our doorstep. We are amazing but we need to shout out and spread the word about how good we are.
With which key developments have you been involved in the local business community?
I have been involved with the Workplace Parking Levy consultation, which has now been postponed due to the overwhelming view of our members who feel that it can hinder business recovery if it was introduced now – our members spoke and we were listened to.
How can businesses get more out of their engagement with LBV?
Speak to us, attend our events, share your concerns and inform our agenda and enjoy the amazing networking opportunities – our members are lovely people.
• Listen
• Inform
• Influence